Hadron SuperCollider Language
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Hadron LSP Extensions Reference

Hadron LSP Extensions Reference

Hadron extends the Language Server Protocol for its own automation and testing purposes.

Compilation Diagnostics

method: hadron/compilationDiagnostics

params: HadronCompilationDiagnosticParams defined as follows:

export interface HadronCompilationDiagnosticParams {
     * Path to the source code file for generation of compilation diagnostic information.
    textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;

     * Where in the compilation process to stop.
    stopAfter: HadronDiagnosticsStoppingPoint;

export namespace HadronDiagnosticsStoppingPoint {
    export const AST = 1;
    export const Frame = 2;
    export const HIROptimization = 3;
    export const HIRFinalization = 4;
    export const Lowering = 5;
    export const LifetimeAnalysis = 6;
    export const RegisterAllocation = 7;
    export const Resolution = 8;
    export const MachineCodeEmission = 9;


export interface HadronCompilationDiagnosticsResponse {
     * The request-id provided with the method call.
    id: integer;

     * Individual compilation units for the document.
    compilationUnits: array;

Hadron compiles objects at the Block level, meaning the response can contain more than one compilation unit, such as class files. The compilationUnits member is an array of zero or more HadronCompilationDiagnosticUnit objects.

export interface HadronCompilationDiagnosticUnit {
     * The name of the compilation unit. If the input document is an interpreter script
     * this name is "INTERPRET", if a class file, the names are formatted "ClassName:methodName".
    name: string;

     * The parse tree for this compilation unit.
    parseTree: HadronParseTreeNode;

     * The Abstract Syntax Tree for this compilation unit.
    ast: HadronASTNode;

     * The root frame of the control flow graph, including the HIR.
    rootFrame: HadronFrame;

     * The Linear Frame with LIR, taken through to register allocation.
    linearFrame: HadronLinearFrame;

     * JIT-compiled generic machine code.
    machineCode: HadronGenericMachineCode;