Hadron SuperCollider Language
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Hadron LSP Extensions Reference

Hadron LSP Extensions Reference Hadron extends the Language Server Protocol for its own automation and testing purposes. Compilation Diagnostics method: hadron/compilationDiagnostics params: HadronCompilationDiagnosticParams defined as follows: export interface HadronCompilationDiagnosticParams { /** * Path to the source code file for generation of compilation diagnostic information. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; /** * Where in the compilation process to stop. */ stopAfter: HadronDiagnosticsStoppingPoint; } export namespace HadronDiagnosticsStoppingPoint { export const AST = 1; export const Frame = 2; export const HIROptimization = 3; export const HIRFinalization = 4; export const Lowering = 5; export const LifetimeAnalysis = 6; export const RegisterAllocation = 7; export const Resolution = 8; export const MachineCodeEmission = 9; } response:
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